Clearing Appointments

When you schedule a clearing appointments we will work together on the phone to transform and balance your energy field. Changing your energy to a higher, positive vibration creates new results in your life.

You will direct the topics we work on - nothing is off limits or too trivial.

Monthly Group Clearing

An AFFORDABLE way to receive on going clearing.

Each month you will be sent an affirmation. The entire group reads the affirmation each day. Each week you receive a new piece of information via email. The last week, you receive notes about what was cleared.

Destiny & Love Cards

DESTINY CARD REPORT- Your report starts on your Birth Date. Each year you are dealt a new set of cards to “play”. Your card report covers your annual influences, including 52-day periods that affect your life.

LOVE CARD REPORT-Did you know you have a different relationship with your partner than your partner has with you? Love card reports show you the “FLOW” of your relationship. This is a life-long influence. The most important planetary influences in your relationship are the Moon and Venus. It is known that these two planetary connections are essential for the best long-term relationships.

Core BioFeedback

The CoRe System™ offers complex, yet simple energetic balancing. During times of growth, we might experience “growing pains” felt in many forms. Sometimes, in fear of having to face these issues, we keep ourselves stuck in situations that no longer serve our highest good. 

 With informational balancing, the CoRe System will send you corrective energetic frequencies from a special Biofeedback generator.

 ***The CoRe System™ device is not a diagnosis or medical treatment device. It’s an instrument which supports spiritual transformation. 

Photo's by Alex.